The Park
These images show the layout of the park and the positions of the huts, the central orchard area (and the little blue horsebox is our shop with gifts and souvenirs!)

The Shire Hut
These images show the Shire Hut and it’s enclosed garden and wheelchair friendly access

The Suffolk Hut
These images show the Suffolk Hut and its enclosed paddock and outside seating area, and its position in relation to the Shire Hut.

The Shetland
The image below shows the Shetland Hut (green hut on the left) and the neighboring Clydes Hut (the blue hut to to the right).

The Clydes Hut
These images show the Clydes Hut and its position in relation to the Gypsy Hut (which is to its right-hand side in these images – you can just about see the corner of the Gypsy Hut).

The Gypsy Hut
These images show the Gypsy Hut which is positioned towards the bottom of the park.

Shepherds Hideaway in the landscape!